Building Successful Ministries and Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Reach The Lost

Equip Leaders

Impact Nations

We understand the challenges of reaching this generation. 
We can help you organize, energize and build your teams, to get your congregation fired up. 


Many Pastors burn out trying to manage and grow their church. When Pastors become effective leaders, they are more fulfilled and leave a legacy for future generations. 

Tim & rhonda rogers

Tim and Rhonda have pioneered and planted several churches, seven successful Bible Institutes, and raised three successful children on the foreign mission field. They understand the challenges of pastoring and growing a ministry. Their unique understanding and practicality for growing teams through decades of ministry experience will bring great transformation to your church or organization.

Helping people thrive in life and change their world.

We believe in giving people the practical teaching from the Word of God so they can go out and reach their world for Christ.


Audio Teachings


Rhema Mexico



Get Involved

Through Your Giving we can train more leaders, plant new churches, and impact the latin-speaking nations for Christ.

Pray for us

We know that prayer has the impact to change nations and we are thankful for everyone that teams up with us through prayer.


Whether it's one time or through monthly support, every contribution matters and can help us equip leaders for the future.

make an impact

You are part of a movement to bring more people in the latin community to Christ and equip them to live the life God designed for them.

Serving Mexico and beyond for over 27 years.

We are so blessed to do what we do! But we never would have gotten where we are if not for partners like you who hear the call of God to link arms with us in the cause of Christ.

years in ministry


affiliate churches

reached for christ

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